The Shoemaker Alumni Website



What's going on with your pledge sisters?
Big Sisters?
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Lee Ann Linker writes:
I'd like to let everyone know that I had my first baby on August 5, 2002.  Her name is Rachel Lynn and she was 7 lbs. 12 oz and 21 inches long.) Thanks for including me and I hope the school year is going well for all of you guys so far!
Janine (Noll) Huber writes:
I was the education director for The Huntington Learning Center for 7 years.  I am now at home with my 2 girls (Madelyn,6 and Monica,2).  I substitute teach at Madelyn's school when needed.  I am an active member of the Home School Association at Madelyn's school.  I am still married to Mike Huber(Pi Kappa Alpha PC'85)  We have been happily married for 10 years and have lived in MI, NC and finally settling in upstate NY.
Sally Vaughn Lewis writes:
I am a county Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences in Carter County, Kentucky.
Kathy Cox writes:
I am married and live in Fishers, IN!  I am a 2nd grade teacher at Forest Dale Elementary in Carmel. I am expecting my first baby, due in January 2003!
Dana (Wellman) Hartman writes:
I am recently married to John Hartman, working at Riley Hospital in the Bone Marrow Transplant unit as a manager/nurse.Hope all is well with the house.  It was great to get my update in the mail recently.  Take care and God bless!
Holly (McCormack) Dare writes:
Well, I am married now to Mr. Trevor Dare -- and am loving it! We still live in the SFbay area -- where there is a good Purdue Alumni base. Not that I really get that involved. But at one time I worked with 2 alumnus, now just one. And at least every couple of weeks I see an alum sticker on a car passing by -- pretty cool! Currently, I am working at a company called Paperloop, Inc., where I manage the entire e-Marketplace portion of our website which includes marketing campaigns, site design, database management, and even get to do some business development. However, I am pursing 2 new businesses with hopes to leave Paperloop by the beginning of the year:
1) Creative Memories (teaching people how to safely preserve their memories -- such as the ones from Shoemaker! -- through photo safety and scrapbooking)
2) Weddings Everlasting -- I am starting my own wedding consulting business, using my wedding experience, my passion for events and my business knowledge. I am absolutely loving the entire process -- even though it is tiring and consuming!
Norma Hemphill writes:
Graduated: 1977 with BA in Organizational Communication
Worked for IBM for 22 years   Currently at home with my boys
Husband:  Mike
Children:   Andrew 3 1/2   John  2
We lived in the former Shoemaker house behind the parking garage but last year I got to take my husband and boys on a tour of the new house while visiting Lafayette.  I grew up in Lafayette and my mother and brother still live there.
Susan Donkers is a Pentagon Renovation Program Project Director. Great job, Susan! We are so proud of you!
Amanda Brown is working on her Master's in Social Work with a concentration in Social Policy and Evaluation.
Cindy (Monix) Reese writes:
I was in the fall 1987 pledge class.  My recent info includes being married for 5 years,  I am working as an R.N. part-time, and I have 20 month old twins Jacob and Rebecca!!  Thanks for creating this for us!
Megan Sosnowski is living in Lafayette with her Circle Pines beau, Brian Bishop and is a Speech Therapist at a nursing home.
Joyce Musgrave writes:
Your Shoe sisters are doing a great job in Alumni relations.  It had been years  since I had received a newsletter, and now, for the past few years, I've been receiving updates like clockwork.  The web page is the best yet.  What a great tool, and you've done an excellent job of laying it out.
I'm in the midst of getting my MBA, and I'm still a "road warrior" (Western Region Sales) so, like everyone else, I'm crunched for time.  However, I would love to hear from the shoes from my "era"; They are always in my heart.
Jessi Lemming writes:
Hi everyone!
I've been living in Indianapolis since I graduated Purdue in May '99. I work for Raymond James & Associates downtown. I ran the 2001 & 2002 Indianapolis Mini-Marathons, 2001 & 2002 Chicago Marathons and the 2002 Boston Marathon. I just recently qualified for the 2003 Boston Marathon in April, so I guess I'll have to run that, too!
Besides my running, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, serve on the Alumni Board, volunteered for the 2002 World Basketball Games, and am a faithful Purdue football season ticket holder....even though it's been a brutal year.
The website is great and it's wonderful to read all these updates!! Spread the word and let's see everyone get on this website and update!
Hope all is well,
P.C. 95
Annie Smart writes:
Hey all~ Things here are BUSY.  I am living at home in Nineveh after graduating in May with a major in VCD, and have been working at Carter Service Company in Greenwood doing their design and marketing for them in-house!  I LOVE my job and am happy to be able to apply my major to my work!  I am also busy planning a wedding with my Gemini fiance' Anthony Syers.  We are SO excited and couldn't be happier.  The wedding is April 11, 2003, so keep that date open gals.  Littleton, Colorado looks like it will be home for us so my Shoes are more than welcome to come out and use our place to crash at and go SKIING!!!  Well, that's my life right now, but I'll update again soon.  Hope all are doing swell J !
Love always~ Annie (pc 2k - haha!)
Kate (Schuman) Kaehr writes:
Rookie from the rockin' PC 1998( are you Jimmy Ray...or Ray Mystero?)!  Since graduating in May '02 I have married Travis Kaehr (almost a high school hairpiece...) and we have moved down yander to Louisville, Kentucky.  I am currently working at the Cherry House furniture gallery and trying to help desperate people organize and design (kinda) their space (not like Trading Spaces).  BS in Retail Management and open to job opportunities and suggestions...(teehee).  We are very happy here and just celebrated our 5 month anniversary.  There aren't many Purdue Alums here, haven't met any yet, I guess some southerns don't get out much.  Yeehaw!
Sally (Sholl) Townsend writes:
After graduating in May '02 (major: Public Relations, minor: Sales & Marketing) I married Kevin Townsend (also a Purdue grad.) in June and we now live in La Porte, Indiana.  I decided to stick with working in the Club industry.  So, I am currently the Member Relations Director at the South Bend Country Club (basically a glorified office manager position, but fun)! 
Funny SHOE story:  This past September Kevin and I flew out to San Fransisco to participate in his best friend's wedding.  Would you believe that Holly (McCormack) Dare was the wedding coordinator?  Small SHOE world . . . . .
Tamara (Miller) Pulver writes:
Hi, my name is Tamara (Miller) Pulver, Shoemaker pledge class of 1988.  I am living in my hometown of Dwight, Illinois where I reside with my husband, Rob, and our two children:  Owen, age 5 and Wesley, age 3.  I work part-time as a consultant pharmacist for Provena Senior Services.  Thanks for including my information!
Mary Beth Bloomfield,  Pledge Class of 1991 writes:
I am currently living in Valparaiso, Indiana.  I am married to Adam, who is also a Purdue grad.  Most of you never met him since we met after I lived in Shoemaker.  I became a teacher and I taught for 5 years.  However, now we have a baby boy named Alec.  He is the light of our lives.  Alec is 17 months.  He is blond and blue eyed with lots of curls.  I quit teaching and am staying home to raise my son.  I love it!  Adam is a project manager in his family's business, Bloomfield Mechanical.  I still talk to lots of my old friends at Shoemaker.  I am still sorry they tore down the old house.  Currently, I am dabbling in the Shabby Chic decor.  My whole house is done in shabby chic.  I have a little business on the side in this.  It's fun and it keeps me busy.  If anyone want to email, my email is  I would love to hear from Shoes I know.
Mary Beth